The International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assesment Techniques, Cocosda, has been established to encourage and promote international interaction and cooperation in the foundation areas of Spoken Language Processing, especially for Speech Input/Output. A report of the organisational structure is available here or formatted for printing as a .doc file. |
More information on the coming Oriental COCOSDA conference
Oriental COCOSDA, co-recipient of the 2012 Antonio Zampolli Prize awarded at LREC 2012
LREC 2010 COCOSDA & Flarenet Workshop
LREC 2006 COCOSDA & Write Workshop
Oriental COCOSDA 2006 - International Conference on Speech Databases and Assessment
December 9-11, 2006
Penang, Malaysia
Building the Language Resources and Evaluation Roadmap
Joint COCOSDA and ICCWLRE Meeting, held at LREC 2004, in Lisbon.
The COCOSDA 2004 workshop took place on 4th October 2004, as a satellite event of Interspeech 2004 in Korea.